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As far as we can tell, Sony Recording Artist Omarion has remained safe since yesterday's tragic terror attack in London. Your publicist-requested prayers have been answered! (Your work isn't done, however; keep beseeching God so that nothing but Cristal touches O's lips on the first-class flight back to the safety of America, and that he's not delayed too long at airport security. And while you're at it, ask Him to make O's Louis Vuitton luggage miraculously tumbles through the baggage claim first—signing autographs while waiting for your bags is such a drag.) But while Omarion "suffered no injury or inconvenience," his publicist back in LA had to explain yesterday's curious press release to Reuters:

He was in London for Saturday's Live 8 show, his publicist Shana Gilmore told Reuters from Los Angeles. Asked why anyone should pray for him, Gilmore said, "He wasn't hurt or anything, but just the fact that he was there and all that."

By "and all that," we're sure she meant, "Omarion and Sony offer their prayers and sympathy to the families of everyone affected by the tragedy." Sometimes you need to massage a flack's message to find the true meaning within.