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The problem with deadpan humor is that you never know whether to take seemingly serious stuff seriously. To wit, this note on the top of The Onion's website:

Due to the unprecedented, unwarranted, and ultimately unwise reporter strike, The Onion will be featuring highlights from past news coverage this week. Luckily for A.V. Club readers, entertainment journalists are not unionized.

We have so many questions. Chiefly: Is this for real? But also: "Ultimately unwise" seems like quite a threat; are they going to fire all the strikers and break the union? And, perhaps most interesting: What do you think Onion writers put on their picket signs?

If you know anything about the strike, or if you've got some better versions of "Area Man Seeks Bigger 401(k) Contributions" for picket signs, let us know:

UPDATE: The feeling seems to be that, no, The Onion isn't serious, and also, no, we're not particularly bright. They're taking some vacation, as they do every summer. Although we'd still be curious to hear some Onion union slogans.

The Onion