In this edition: Katie Couric, Donatella and Allegra Versace, Peter Bogdonavich, Tracy Ullman, Judith "Angel-uh" Light, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tim Roth, Naomi Watts and Liev Schriber, Kieran Culkin, Anna Paquin, Julianne Moore, Natalie Portman, Keanu Reeves, Cate Blanchett, Heather Matarazzo, Rosario Dawson, James Gandolfini, Matthew Broderick, Joe Torre, Christian Slater, Mike Myers, Steven Van Zandt, Victor Garber, Mos Def, Tom Brokaw, Ali Landry, Jerry Springer, Malcolm Gladwell, Tyson Beckford, and Richie Akiva can't get past the velvet rope.

On the Delta Shuttle to Boston on Friday, I sat next to a rather tan and surprisingly wrinkled Katie Couric. she and I shuffled to the exit row for the extra leg room. While I doubt she was prepared to help in the event of an emergency, she certainly was prepared for something else judging by the high-cut thong that popped out of her low-cut jeans as she leaned over to grab her $12,000 Birkin. Friends confirmed that she announced that her daughters are at camp, thus the thong-happy getaway to the Vineyard, no doubt. Nothing but the Birkin and a Tennis racket on her shoulder as she met the limo driver at Logan.

Had dinner with friends last night at Da Silvano and in walked a herd of Versaces headed by the grand dame Donatella herself. Her frighteningly skinny daughter Allegra was there also. The men ate the women picked.

Last night I went to the dress rehearsal of Lennon: Afterwards while waiting for my crew I saw Tracy Ullman coming out of the show with some friends. Later as we prowled for a good bar we saw Matthew Broderick walking east on 44th Street and 8th Avenue, looking a little schleppy.

Celeb sightings at "spamalot" this evening (Jul 5). Joe Torre, sitting on the aisle. and Christian Slater, late of "glass menagerie" smoking two cigarettes in a row by himself during intermission and confessing to the woman seated behind me that he is going to do "sweet bird of youth" in london. slater as chance wayne? yikes.

While waiting to board a NY to LA flight at JFK I figured I'd see a few noteworthy people. First I saw Judith Light (a.k.a. "ANgeLUH" from "Who's the Boss?") boarding early. I thought that was as good as it would get (and I was satisfied), but lo and behold Jake Gyllenhaal sat down and read the Times (with sunglasses on) and waited for everyone to board. The ladies in the general vicinity were all atwitter, as he was scruffy and quite a dish in person. I assumed he'd be in first class, but he was in business. But who WAS in first class? Tim Roth, looking really greasy yet really foxy. I can't even remember the last movie he was in, but he must be doing better than I thought.

Spent July 4th watching the fireworks from my rooftop in Cobble Hill. On the next rooftop - in a beautiful garden w/ humongous fancy grill - was a small party of people including none other than Peter Bogdonavich. My two drunken/high male friends attempted to goad one another into flashing him - thankfully to no avail.

On good, old July 4th, saw Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber jogging north on the path along the Hudson River, down in the Tribeca area. Later that night, at the Korean restaurant Temple on Saint Marks, Heather Graham came in with two dudes. Apparently, she's been there before. And according to my sources, she ordered some tofu dish. Is Heather Graham a vegetarian?

Tues 7/5, saw Kieran Culkin and Anna Paquin around 1:30 pm walking down W. 86th street. They were short and shaggy haired, and chatting happily. aw.

Saw Julianne Moore at The Palm in East Hampton on the 4th. Her bright red hair is gorgeous in person. Hardly wore any makeup, shorter than I expected. Looked great in a yellow flower print dress.

Saturday, 7 AM, right near entrance to Penn Station (I was on my way out of town for the 4th). Spotted Natalie Portman with unidentified cute NJB (nice Jewish boy) coming out of Madison Square Garden entrance. I don't think it was her boyf. Knew it was her because of cute fuzzy head that I badly wanted to pet. Have no idea what she was doing there at that hour. She was in her usual casual getup, jeans and t shirt. She's the only celeb that I have legitimate reason to talk to (she went to my school for a year) but we were about to miss the train.

Saw a scruffy Keanu Reeves sitting outside at Tortilla Flats (12th & Washington) on 7/4 with some blonde lady friend. He stood up and picked something off the bottom of his shoe then sat back down and kept eating. Delicious. Ps. he was wearing long pants and like a corduroy blazer

friday night (7/1) at The Pillowman: Cate Blanchett (with her leg in a big ol' cast!) and Alicia Silverstone, each with beau. Poor Cate kept having to stand to let people into her row, and then couldn't make a quick after the show since she was hobbling out on crutches... but somehow she was beautiful and graceful nonetheless - amazing.

Just saw Heather Matarazzo today (7/6) on Centre Street walking towards Canal Street wearing jeans and an tank top, and smoking a cig. Looked a LOT prettier in person and not at all dumpy as I thought she'd look. Was really tempted to bust out singing "welcome to the dollhouse...I've got it all fixed up for you!", but restrained myself.

I saw Rosario Dawson walking through NYU traffic under scaffolding around the construction at Astor Place. She sported a little cleavage and checked me out for a sec. Mr. Big must be little.

I just walked out the front door of our offices at 360 Park Avenue South (Jul 5) and saw James Gandolfini sitting on a motorcycle and talking on a cell phone. He looked just like he does in the show. Like a Mafioso. Initially I thought I had wandered into a shooting for the show, but didn't see any cameras or the rest of the gang. It was about 1:35 pm. I shook his hand and told him that I enjoy the show. He thanked me, put on his helmet and drove away.

saw Mike Myers in the beer line at the Central Park Summer Stage Nick Drake tribute show (7ish) 07/02/05...he was smiling and seemed to be having a good time despite the mellow band.

Just spotted Steven Van Zandt cruising along 13th St. in a very sweet grey Jaguar convertible. The purple headscarf was a dead giveaway...oh, and the Jersey plates, too.

On July 4 I passed Victor Garber walking up Bleecker Street with a much younger, tan muscle boy. Victor was dressed for the country club; the stud was dressed for the beach.

Walking out of Tompkins Sq. Park Saturday afternoon I saw Mos Def he was sporting some pretty sleazy pimp sunglasses bopping along with some chick. Caught him uttering, that s just unnatural, and I m guessing he s under six feet.

Saw Tom Brokaw crossing the street at Madison and 50's-ish on Thursday afternoon. This would be no big deal except I happened to catch him on David Letterman the evening before — in the same exact outfit he was wearing the next afternnon. I don't think Tom's doing anything strange, but c'mon. He can definitely afford some other togs to wear

I was having dinner with a friend in Nolita, and we were seated next to Ali Landry and her new latin boyfriend (Didn't have Mario's curly hair, though). Ali was extremely nice to fellow patrons. When I mentioned to my friend that I needed some salt, Ali overheard and offered her own—and pepper as well. She was sitting in indian-style on the chair, and seemed happy to go unnoticed.

spotted Jerry Springer on the fourth of july at brooklyn ice cream factory. i tried coming up with an appropriate "hey, my boyfriend cheated on me with my mom, and now she dresses like a slut" opening line, but didn't want to ruin what looked like a nice family ice cream outing.

i drank budweiser in cans next to malcolm gladwell and his giant whiteguy afro hair statement at an east village rooftop party on July 4th — fortunately he showed up an hour after the fireworks had ended so no one's view was obscured.

Saw Tyson Beckford at Sushi Samba Saturday night (July 2nd). He was with an entourage of about 10, including one huge dude sitting next to him. Him and his posse were incredibly underdressed for the what-has-become-stricter dress code on the roof at Sushi Samba. When he left, Beckford revved the engine on his motorbike to annoying decibals. No word if it was the same crotch rocket he rode with Britney in her "Toxic" video.

I saw Richie Akiva, co-owner of Butter, getting denied at door of the lounge, 49 Grove, in the West Village Jul 5. The bouncer said you re not allowed here anymore . He was with a tall skinny girl, and they were waiting outside the door in a rain storm until someone else came outside to talk to them.