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Just when we thought "possibly" crack-crocked actress Natasha Lyonne had been reduced to crawling about the rotting underbelly of darkness, a reader sends word that Lyonne is alive, but not necessarily well:

At 7:45 this morning, on my way to the gym, I passed Natasha turning onto 7th street from 2nd avenue. At first I wondered who would be wearing what she had on in July: black jeans, dragging on the ground, black dress, black cardigan, black knit hat and huge sunglasses. As we passed each other, I realized who she was. She was sort of mumbling to herself and she had several scabby sores on her face.

Sores on a starlet's face? Nothing unusual. Mumbling to herself? Now that's cause for concern. We're reinstating our Amber Alert-style NatashaWatch — if you see her, let us know and keep her away from her angry landlord Michael Rappaport.