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• Has the Federletus doubled? Rumors swirl that Britney's carrying twins, which would be the most magnificently magnificent testament to K-Fed's virility since, oh, Shar Jackson. [Lowdown]
• In order to direct your attention away from the fact that Us misreported Angelina Jolie's new Ethiopian adoptee to be a boy, editor Janice Min reveals that next week's issue will feature photos of Brad Pitt and Jolie house-hunting in Provence, France. Or maybe it was deer hunting. They're not sure. [Page Six]
• Rapper 50 Cent is apparently "doing" his co-star. Did you blink? We certainly hope not. [Gatecrasher]
• Apparently bored out of his mind and with nothing to do, former CBS anchor Dan Rather is helping National GuardGater Mary Mapes with her tell-all book. [Page Six]
• SNL sultan Lorne Michaels is reportedly trolling the comedy clubs for some new talent, as both Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph are expecting their spawn to emerge right as the new season begins. [Fox 411 (2nd item)]