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Hate Bruce Ratner's plan for Brooklyn's Atlantic Yards? Don't like its size, don't like its displacements, don't like its eminent-domaining? Oh, man, has Gary Barnett got a rival plan for you. Bids for the railyard were due to the MTA by 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and a surprise, last-minute, stadiumless, Gehryless counteroffer arrived from developer Barnett. Highlights of his plan, as reported in the Times:

• "It proposes the creation of a corridor of apartment buildings undulating over the yards, with shops, landscaped walkways, recreation areas and housing for roughly 4,800 people."
• None of its 11 buildings will be more than 28 stories high.
• It won't require any use of eminent domain.
• It won't close any existing streets.
• It won't require public subsidies, except to build a platform over the rail yard.

Separately, we just received a press release from the group "Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn" announcing that "Brooklyn community groups and elected officials will discuss these bids at a 1PM press conference today at City Hall."

We can't imagine which of the bids they'll be supporting.

Brooklyn Plan Draws a Rival, and Its Smaller [NYT]
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn