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We've lost track of the legal status of subway coffee-sipping — they were going to ban it, then they tabled the ban, but then it turned out it had actually been banned for decades, we think. But if the MTA still feels it simply must make new subway rules, Time Out New York offers some excellent suggestions for regulations that straphangers will appreciate. Our favorites from the mag's list:

• No Nail Clipping, Makeup Applying or Foot Massaging
• No Eating Chicken
• No Making Eye Contact With Light-Up Yo-Yo Salesman

We'd propose one more:

• No hysterical preacher types screeching about how we're all going to hell.

We already know we're going to hell — for oh so many different reasons — and we're OK with it. Now can't we just eat our chicken in peace?

What's Up With That [TONY]