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After three weeks of some of the worst reality television since the Real World: Paris, we're beginning to suspect that crazy Intern Rachel may be the only fool still watching Kathy Hilton's attempt at relevancy, I Want to be a Hilton. But that's what interns are for: To watch terrible, mind-numbing crap so that your virgin eyes remain unscarred by the vision of Kathy Hilton trying to advise anyone on anything. After the jump, this week's review.

In this latest episode, all you need to know is that Team Madison is shitting golden bricks. They're down two players and the show just started, like, yesterday. Yvette insults Latricia. Latricia mocks Yvette. Amidst their bickering, the age-old question arises: Is it better to be fat or a Vegas dancer? I vote fat.

The duds go to the Brooklyn Museum of Art to conquer high society and the art world. Apparently Mrs. Hilton thinks the arts are an integral part of society, and the contestants are told that New York City is a living, breathing work of art, and to, Beware and be watching, because you never when some information you get might be of a lot of interest later." Yes, he said beware. Not be aware. Ominous!

Kathy reveals this week s challenge in front of Cleopatra's needle (how appropriate?): an art scavenger hunt. The bumpkins have three hours to solve ten riddles to reach certain artistic destinations around the city, collect as many "artifacts" as possible, and scurry back.

Vanessa with Team Park immediately suggesting going to the furthest locales first and working back to the start. Jules hates this, and her. Team Park decides to do the exact opposite. Meanwhile, Team Madison is slowed down by the idiocy of Yvette, who somehow manages to be flippant, imbecilic, senseless, unthinking and witless ALL AT ONCE. Naturally, she causes Team Madison s third straight loss.

Team Park's prize is a "fabulous night out, consisting of dinner at Joe Allen's and seeing the musical Wicked. Bob Barker gives out better hand outs. While the winners are out being winners, Team Madison has to eliminate two wannabes. I wish they d eliminate 12 of em. Hilton has a group meeting to organize the bloodshed: Hilton chooses one player to deport, the team chooses another.

Hilton gives the team five minutes to cut one of their limbs off. They chose Ann (good call!) One wench down, one to go. Hilton returns and, in perhaps the only good decision she s ever made, sends Yvette back to Las Vegas to wither and die in a titty bar.