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Our glossy cronies over at Gawker have pointed out the Yahoo Personals ad of an enterprising young man who's trying to get laid in NY by borrowing the instantly recognizable face of Hollywood's favorite fauxteur, Brett Ratner. Lest anyone think the director's e-trolling for companionship, the ad doesn't even make token stabs at Ratner-verisimilitude. (6'2"? Athletic body? 28 years old? Only looking for white chicks?)

We feel we must protect Ratner from this brazen identity theft, and more importantly, from the insinuation that he'd have to take to the internet for companionship. Everyone knows that his next date is no further away than a handful of crisp hundred-dollar bills and a trip to Robert Evans' hot tub.

See also: Ratner Brings Mutant Hooker To ‘X3’ Party