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It's the best news we've heard since Shelly Silver, bless his heart, finally killed the West Side Stadium: The IOC knocked New York out of the running for the 2012 Olympics early this morning. And, in an even bigger blow to Dan Doctoroff's ego, our fair city was only the second one eliminated, before even Madrid.

When the result was announced around 6:35 this morning, "Supporters gathered in Rockefeller Center let out a disappointed 'awww' as they watched the announcement on live TV," reports the News.

We wouldn't view as representative the reaction of people who chose to spend their night watching TV on the streets of Midtown. But that's just us.

Update: It's London. Enjoy the traffic and the German tourists and being a central global terrorist target, old chaps!

London Will Host 2012 Olympics; New York Voted Out [NYT]
We're Outta It [NYDN]