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We know that the last thing that anyone wants to do is think about agents as the work day drags to a close, but there's chatter that Endeavor's John Lesher might be thisclose to ditching the agency to take over Paramount Classics. In fact, some of the rumors make it sound like it might happen any minute now. While we're always in favor of a member of the Brotherhood of Ten Percent moving on up and out of the WIlshire Boulevard ghetto, we must ask: What about the children? Potential ex-clients like Martin Scorsese, David O. Russell, P.T. "Paul Thomas" Anderson, Matthew "Have You Seen Layer Cake Yet?" Vaughn, and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu could be ripped limb-from-limb in the ensuing fight to be their new best friend. Russell's not going down until someone can disengage his patented headlock, but Scorsese's not a spring chicken anymore. Developing...

UPDATE: We've heard that Lesher's assistant has sent out an e-mail (bcc: Hollywood, minus us) denying the rumor. Oh, that clears everything up! Clearly nothing's happening...