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We never said today's blind items were incredibly challenging; we merely noted that they were of varying in levels of difficulty. Judging from your response, those levels would be "duh" and "no fucking shit." While no one likes to be coddled with their gossip, at least Page Six respects the sheer torture of easing back into work today. That being said, your "guesses" follow...

Which newlywed husband of a TV personality dropped her off at an award show, then went on a tour of gay bars in L.A.? What he didn t realize was that the limo driver had to keep a list of every stop and that when network execs got the limo bill, the list looked like a Yellow Page ad of gay bars

You said: A lot of you fell for the "newlywed" red herring on this one and went with Nick Lachey, but all other signs point to Mr. Star Jones, Al Reynolds. One reader even clarified that this went down last week's BET awards, which really helps us sleep at night. And the award for most errant guess goes to the fellow who suggested Les Moonves as the homo barfly.

Which leading man landed his fianc e by giving her a five-year contract for $10 million? Now, she s giving an Oscar-worthy performance acting as if she s really in love with him

You said: To quote our homies at FishbowlNY, is it more important to get this item first, or to get it right? 'Cause we know a little Ben Widdicombe had this same item a few weeks back, but priced the deal at $5 million. That being said: This one is all Tom and Katie, all the time. You can escape their thetan love, even if you wanted to.

Which foreign-born sports phenom lies about his age? Though he landed a multimillion-dollar sneaker deal as a 14-year-old, whispers are he s closer to 20.

You said: "I don't give a shit about sports." The rest of you named African soccer star Freddy Adu, and one of you guessed Andre Agassi — presumably just so you could relish in the distinction of our singling you out as a lovable jackass. Hats off to you!