• Hey, Tom Brokaw's got a secret: Bob Woodward had this secret source he used to meet in a parking garage. [E&P]
• Just when you thought there was no way the Bush administration could be worse for the press — controlled information, Armstrong Williams, the new public-broadcasting ombudsmen — it turns out the leaker Matt and Judy could go to jail for protecting might well be Karl Rove. Boy genius, indeed. [Newsweek]
• The rule of law always trumps a reporter's promise of confidentiality, says a fair and balanced report in Time magazine. [Time]
• From Napster to TiVo, the important thing is the technology, not the gimmicky name. And even gimmicks — like, say, giving away some regifted swag — have limited utility if they're unveiled while everyone's busy watching Fireworks. [AdAge]
• Is NBC maneuvering to replace Katie Couric with Alexis Glick? Um, probably not. [Philadelphia Inquirer]