Sightings are sent in by readers brave enough to avoid the L.I.E.; send yours to

In this edition: George Clooney, Chevy Chase, Danny Glover, Bruce Willis, Penelope Cruz, Susan Sarandon, Heath Ledger with both Mystery Woman and Michelle Williams, Cynthia Nixon, Chris Rock, Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romijn, Sam Rockwell, Rachel Weisz, John C. Reilly, Jeremy Piven, Jimmy Fallon, Jamie Lynn Di Scala, Tea Leoni and David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, John Lithgow, Mira Sorvina and Chris Backus and offspring, Kyle MacLachlan, Barry Diller, Sarah Vowell, Larry King, Lizzie Grubman and Todd Meister, Gilbert Gottfried, Damon Dash, Dee Snider, Karolina Kurkova and Janice Dickenson.

Wednesday June 29, lunch at Mr. K's on 51st/Lex - spotted George Clooney and entourage of 10 or so having lunch. Clooney was resplendent in a white t-shirt, very casual, very unassuming. He looks great, much younger in person. Couldn't quite tell what the occasion was, but one of his lunch companions was agitated about something he lost and spent much of the meal under the table - when he wasn't frantically gesturing to the waiters. I hope George enjoyed his lunch despite the under-the-table goings on.

I was getting my hair cut at Vidal Sassoon in the Crown Building. They sit me down to get my hair shampooed - and 5 feet across from me was Chevy Chase. He is certainly looking much older, his hair is thinning and more salt than pepper. He was wearing a polo shirt, pants and white sneakers. He was channeling the "Florida Retiree" look. I normally I don't bother actors (/yeah/, /I said "ACTOR", don't be a hater/), but I decided to say hello and casually said, "What's up, *Chevy*?" He turned in the direction of my voice and his eyes were really wide, like he was scared. He had this surprised look on his face and said, "Who's that?" There is no chance he could miss me - I was 5 feet from him! But just before he was going to get his hair shampooed, he took his glasses off, I guess his vision must be really fading and he simply couldn't see me! I replied, "No one, just a fan." He said, "Oh. Ok." paused and quietly mumbled as an afterthought to my "fan" comment, "thanks". I left him alone - I was just being friendly. He was amiable & talkative to the employees at the salon, but he wasn't being loud - just acted like a regular customer and minded his P's and Q's. Most people write to stalker "Boy, are they short!" when they see a celeb - *Chevy* is as tall as I expected.

So I was walking to work today (6/29) down Lafayette, crossing 9th, when I notice this big black dude wearing a blue Hawaiian-print shirt and carrying a briefcase. I think to myself, "hey— Danny Glover!" which, as I walked up to him, expressed itself verbally as "Hey! Danny Glover!" His eyes looked wary but his response was an enthusiastic "Hey man, how you doin'. Alright, alright now." With a handshake and a "Have a good day" I went into my building. I guess they must be shooting a movie today. Anyway, if its a slow news day, you heard it here— Danny Glover's not an asshole.

Fri Jul 1, Bruce Willis, dressed in a tuxedo, is currently running up and down Centre Street (made up rather poorly to look like Canal), shooting at imaginary bad guys with his toy pistol.

@ Eres on Madison, bra shopping w/ girlfriend. Who walks in? Penelope Cruz and spanish speaking friend and/or assistant. Didn't buy anything but looked at everything amidst the racks. Looked pretty hot w/ a white sundress on and has some tattoo on her right ankle, "888" it looked like?

6/30 Walked past Susan Sarandon striding up 6th Avenue near 17th Street. She looked great—tan, fit, relaxed, age appropriate, yet radiant. Her daughter Ava was with her walking a few steps behind talking on her cell phone. They both seemed oblivious to the fact that people were stopping in their tracks upon recognizing them.

June 28 - I spotted Heath Ledger strolling hand in hand with a mystery woman in Chelsea. The woman he was with was much prettier than the plain, overly round Michelle Williams. It seems he has traded up, good for him! Heath looked good to. He was clean shaven and looked like he took the time to wash his hair. Heath and his new girl go well together.

7/2/2005 - saw Heath Ledger in line for the bathroom during the intermission of Hurly Burly. Long striped shirt, messenger bag, hat,
carrying his blazer. minutes later Michelle Williams appeared in line behind me, obviously very very pregnant with his baby. They were sitting in the 6th or 7th row of the orchestra section.

jun 28, Jumping on the uptown 1 at the Canal Street station I almost ran right into Cynthia Nixon. It s good to know that celebrities melt in the heat as well. Her hair looked red and sweaty, and she looked as miserable as the rest of us. She was gabbing with an unidentified male who seemed to notice the stares more than she did.

Saw Chris Rock with his stylish, attractive wife and two young daughters at the Victorian Gardens (aka Wollman Ice Rink in the summer) in Central Park on June 2nd. He rode on the airplane ride with his family, but waited for them on the sidelines at the train ride where he was ambushed by a couple fans wanting pictures. He was very gracious and let them take their pictures. He was wearing a blue Four Seasons t-shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses, but his face and voice were unmistakable.

jerry o'connell with rebecca romijn stamos, looking tanned and glowing, at the montauket in montauk on saturday of july 4th weekend(apparently his family lives out there - this i learned from the bachelor with his brother). they glowed in the sunset, drinking buds and talking to locals, looking very much in love. she was drinking and was definitely not pregnant, though also not as toned as you would think she would be yet stunning.

7/2 Saw Sam Rockwell and two hipster friends walking through Tompkins Square this evening. The friends were wearing shades and throwing attitude, but Sam looked like an adorable, regular guy in some loose, lightweight gray pants that made his butt look big. So cute.

saw Rachel Weisz dining in the village next door to "extra virgin" on Monday night (Jun 27). she was on crutches, and sporting a short do, but looking great! John C. Reilly also appeared in the door of the same restaurant, they said hello, and chatted for a minute, before she returned to her table, and he continued smoking his cigarette before popping into his limo with friends...

just saw Jeremy Piven sitting outside Cafe Gitane (jun 28), drinking an iced latte and talking on his cell. i was surprised that he looked cute, so i smiled at him and he smiled back, then stared at me while i ordered my coffee and i got a little creeped out. I also saw Mike Myers crossing broadway near housten the other night, he looked like he has just woken up, even though it was around 10pm. white shirt half buttoned and all rumpled, i smiled at him and he made eye contact and definitly didn't smile back, actually, i think he glared at me, whatever, at least jeremy thinks i'm hot.

Saw Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night in Hell's Kitchen. He looked tall, sweaty, and lost.

Saturday, June 25th - Josie's on the east side, having brunch w/ girlfriend. Jamie Lynn Di Scala and some chick were eating there too, I guess her friend. We sat outside, they were at the front on the inside - Jamie looking out, friend looking in. Couldn't make out the food because of glare.

I was standing outside Otto smoking on Wednesday 6/29 with a friend when we had a triple celebrity sighting. Out walked Julianne Moore (plus one husband and kids), Tea Leoni, and David Duchovny. They seemed very down to earth and no one bothered them. Julianne didn't even seem to mind that we were blowing smoke into her childrens' faces. Now, that's hot.

Thursday, June 30 - John Lithgow, first on west 63rd walking on west 64th walking west. Had a little beret thing and a black bag that looked like the "Man purse" from Seinfeld.

jun 28 Yesterday I saw Mira Sorvino with a baby stroller and a less good-looking version of Kevin Federline strolling through Central Park.

yesterday (7/29), my girlfriend and I were at Orso and as we were leaving we saw the actor that plays "Trey" (Kyle MacLachlan) from SATC at the table behind us with some chickadee.

Barry Diller himself was riding around on a bike Sunday checking out the Pride parade floats and marchers gathered on the side streets off Fifth Avenue in the low 50s. I was waiting near the HX float on W. 52nd St when I saw him, unmistakably, ride slowly by not once but twice, wearing flowered (!) shorts and a white T-shirt, looking on with amusement. How could he not when our float was populated by shirtless go-go boys and porn stars in short denim shorts and cowboy boots? He must have been thrilled...

Saw Sarah Vowell walking into the Associated Supermarket at 22nd and Park. She was looking characteristically uncomfortable, but still kinda cute.

This morning (jun 30)I was getting breakfast and saw Larry King walking down 60th st between 5th and Madison. He was taller and skinnier then I'd expect, but regardless my banana looked far more appetizing then his shriveled pickly self.

Sunday, 6/26, saw Lizzie Grubman at Mr. Chow (9ish or so) who was later was joined by the cat that met/married/divorced Nicky Hilton, Todd Meister. He was wearing a sky blue blazer and looked like he needed to shave and get on a treadmill. Lizzie was rocking a cool white suit. We went to 40/40 afterwards to see if our luck would continue but no Jigga. That's my dirty two cents...

saw Gilbert Gottfried on my way home 6/29 at 25th/7th Ave walking in the rain w/ a bright orange umbrella and his socks pulled up high. Had a pot belly like a toddler. Wonder where he was going?

Tonight at around 7 I turned the corner walking east from 5th ave. on 57th and walked past Damon Dash and bodyguard, vaguely near the YSL store there .Just standing there, really mellow and seemingly not pissed off about anything.

Today (6/29) I saw Dee Snider from Twisted Sister exiting Trash and Vaudeville, that lame "punk" rock store on St. Marks, with his wife. He then proceeded to go to the Starbucks on 8th, where I was sitting outside with my friends. He spent like...10 minutes in there and exited with goods in hand.

karolina kurkova was stalking me yesterday (june 30). first saw her as i was heading to the subway in the morning, on prince between elizabeth and mott. looked like she was heading to the gym, in tight pants and a tiny tank. i swear i could see two people between her legs. then later that night, she was having dinner at peasant, with what looked like herphotographer boyfriend (he was even wearing a little photog vest) and two out-of-town guests — as "it's near your hotel" was mentioned several times.

Last night (6/30) went to Janice Dickenson's b-day party at Quo just to see the train wreck. She looked good, wore a slinky white satin dress which she hiked up to dance on the sofas. Was hoping for a Jon Lovitz sighting, but all I got was Phillip Blotch. B-Listers, unite!