In a review of the 'net writer compilation Bookmark Now: Writing in Unreaderly Times, Wired News mentions Mediabistro EIC Elizabeth Spiers'* tongue-in-cheek take on last year's wave of "blogs are over" articles, in which she discusses internet jackanapes Andrew Krucoff's decision to make his Other Page blog into a print magazine:

Eventually, though, she finds blog writing "incestous," limiting and too self-referential. She concludes blogging is dead when she visits blogger Andrew Krucoff and discovers his new plan is to turn his blog into a print publication.

Hey, we remember when Krucoff did that! It was exciting at first, but there's only been three issues of his Other Page 'zine in the past year — probably as the publication has taken a backseat to his other blog projects.

The Written Word Still Thrives [Wired News]

*Elizabeth Spiers was the founding editor of Gawker.