'WOTW' Goes Big On Wednesday

Yesterday's box office numbers for War of the Worlds seem to indicate that (so far, at least) Tom Cruise's Turn Off The World Tour hasn't hurt the movie, which pulled in $21.4 million in North America and $13.35 million overseas in its first day.
Is it time to be afraid yet? If WOTW crosses the $100 million mark over the long holiday weekend, Paramount and DreamWorks will proclaim Tom Cruise a marketing genius, agents will beg him to fall crazy in fake-love with their young clients (Does Scientology allow polygamy? There might be some kind of one-marriage-per-planet-per-millenium loophole to be exploited), and the plotlne for Mission: Impossible 3 will be amended to include Cruise's heroic quest to keep a Ritalin-enslaved, intergalatic madman from drugging the world's hyperactive children. Yeah, maybe it's time to be a little afraid.