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When it's a been a long night, and you're too drunk and too high, and you realize you spent much too much money, and the fucking F train isn't coming, and you realize you forgot to even grab a free paper so you'd have something to read while you're waiting, and you start to have one of those 4 a.m. existential crises about why you're living that way, and why you're living here, and whether you'll ever accomplish anything or meet anyone or make your life have any worth or value, the only way to maybe ward off your incipient depression is to whip out cell phone and play one of the stupid little phone videogames as a way to distract yourself.

But may we suggest that game not be "New York Nights," wherein you "groove all night in clubs, rock out with your favorite bands at concerts or go to the gym and get pumped up! There's only one catch: life in New York isn't free."

Don't we know it.

New York Nights [Gameloft]