• Find out what David Cross thinks is funny Iirony! Sarcasm! racial slurs written on steamed-up LES bar windows!) during "Inside Joke," Carl Arnheiter's exploration into the craft of comedy at the UCB Theater tonight. [UCB]
• New York indie rock manual The Deli celebrates the release of their third issue with performances by Nicole Atkins and Sylvie Lewis, among others, at Tonic. And yes, pretending to have heard of these performers ups your indie cred by at least 20% or 3 cans of Pabst. [flavorpill]
• Scott Blakeman (the Jew) and Dean Obeidallah (the Palestinian) perform "The Two-Comedian Solution to Middle East Peace," their critically acclaimed stand-up show, at Makor tonight. Evidently, the whole "Bombs Away!" solution isn't working out so hot. [92Y]