We know our readers. You're the wild-eyed, drunken, obsessive types — just like us, really, which is exactly why we all get along so well. We also know that some of you more wild-eyed, more drunken, more obsessive readers treat Gawker Stalker like it's the best Mexican black tar money can buy. Never wanting to unfairly send you to the methadone clinic, we've decided it's time Gawker Stalker got the "best of" treatment. So we'll attempt to compile a handful of the most interesting, ludicrious, power-heavy, and just plain random sightings from the 500 or so we run every month.

In this Best of June edition: Joan Rivers, Naomi Watts, Lindsay Lohan and Ashley Stewart, Natasha Lyonne, Mary-Kate Olsen, Liza Minelli, Natalie Portman, Donna Summer and Debbie Harry, Heath Ledger, Ben Affleck, Al Pacino, Harvey Keitel, Robert DeNiro, Chuck Barris and Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster

6/7 saw an old, made-up Joan Rivers dropping off her urine at our gynecologist office.

My friend and I were shopping in SoHo wed the 22nd and we heard from behind us a woman screaming profanitities. We turned around and it was Naomi Watts from The Ring movies having a screaming match on her cell phone. She looks cute but was obviously on the brink of a meltdown. I guess she realized she was creating a scene because she turned around quickly and disappeared around the block.

Yesterday (june 23rd) I was in one of those little bohemian boutiques that I can't really afford to buy anything in and in walks Naomi Watts looking a little spaced out. She was talking to the sales girl about having to buy clothes for a trip to an ashram. The sales girl was helping her (this is a very tiny store) and suddenly Watts just snapped and started yelling at her, saying that if she couldn't get what she wanted she would go someplace else. Then she grabbed the clothes that the girl was holding, threw them on the floor, and stormed out. The rest of us in the store just stood in disbelief.

i had such a deliciously cliched sighting last night 6/21 at bungalow 8. Lindsey Lohan and Ashley Stewart were on one couch feverishly typing on their sidekicks all night (no illegal substances in sight) while Mary Kate Olsen was backing that thang up in some killer cowboy boots in the neighboring booth.

i had a celebtastic Friday 6/24. on my way out of rite aid on 2nd ave in the e village, i passed Natasha Lyonne on her way in. she looks horrible, i must say. total skin and bones. but she s still got the raspy voice, which, coming out of her emaciated body, is quite disconcerting.

Thu, Jun 16th I saw Mary-Kate Olsen at the Ben and Jerry's downtown on 3rd Avenue. She was sitting in a booth alone across from a few of her friends. She was eating soft serve vanilla in a cone with rainbow sprinkles. She left once I started telling all my friends that she was there.

had an awesome sighting today....saw Liza Minelli on 3rd and 73rd buying one of those cheap leather cell phone cases off the street. She was with a friend, or maybe an assistant. Had full Liza makeup on, looked great. Someone came up to take a picture, and she was super nice. Didn't seem like she was about to physically abuse anyone. She's awesome.

On Sunday at about 5 I saw Natalie Portman on the 2nd floor of MoMA with a couple that appeared to be her very normal looking parents. She was very tiny and has a very pretty face, but she looked like a cult member with that awful buzz cut.

I saw Donna Summer and Deborah Harry having lunch at Michaels...on Friday, June17 - looked like they were having a lot of fun....

June 24 - I went to the Loews Cineplex on Third Ave. with my friends to see Cinderella Man. About 5 minutes into the movie Heath Ledger and some woman who was definately not Michelle came in to the theater and sat in front of us. They made out heavily for most of the movie. I guess Heath thinks a dark movie theater is a good place to cheat on his pregnant girlfriend. He should know by now that wearing that same green hat everywhere is not the best way to go incognito.

Saw Ben Affleck at Dos Caminos on West Broadway and Houston on Saturday (6/18) night. I was having dinner outside when Ben came out to smoke. The hostess came over and asked him to not smoke where people were eating. He was very polite and apologized and then walked through the crowd of diners and finished his cigarette in front of the restaurant. He was looking rather ragged (hadn't shaved in a few days) and portly (sympathy pounds?). Didn't see Jennifer, though she might have been dining with him inside the restaurant.

Probably my most amazing sighting ever last night (June 15). I was eating dinner with a friend in my fave neighborhood spot (In Tribeca), and we notice there's a guy sitting at the table across from us sort of listening to our conversation and watching us. I realize it's Al Pacino! I nearly fell of my chair. About ten minutes later, in walks Harvey Keitel with a woman — not sure if it was a wife or an assistant. My friend and I were reeling. Give it another ten minutes, and freaking Robert DeNiro walks in with his wife! Unbelievable — they really do all hang out and eat dinner together. They're all also short. Not one of the lot (of men) was over 5'8" (at best)! Nevertheless, extremely exciting!

Saw the one and only Chuck Barris at Mary's Fish Camp Friday June 3rd, he was celebrating his birthday with about 10 people, and sitting next to some young, dangerously thin, sunken-cheeked girl with too much makeup. He, however, was laughing and smiling the entire dinner and during and after the entire restaurant sung happy birthday to him, quite charismatic and looks exactly as he looked back in the Gong Show days but with gray hair.

On thurs june 23 i saw Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster filming the latest spike lee joint for hbo downtown on Beaver and Hanover.