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Why does Malibu's Carbon Beach attract Hollywood mogul residents like David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg, and renters willing to drop a hundred grand a month on summer rent? No, it's not because the 'Bu's breathtaking vistas make a fine backdrop for lazy days of crumpling up unacceptably wrinkly hundred dollar bills and pitching them into the Pacific. Forbes has the answer:

"Real estate on Malibu is sold based on the amount of dry, sandy beach," explains Madison Hildebrand, a broker with the Malibu office of Coldwell Banker Real Estate, a division of Cendant (nyse: CD - news - people ). "Carbon Beach has one of the sandiest, driest beaches anywhere." Hildebrand reports that one of the smallest single-family homes on the beach, just 1,640 square feet in size with a 69-foot lot, still managed to fetch $15 million from an undisclosed buyer two weeks ago.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but: Suck it, plebes! Your billionaire betters even have higher-quality sand. Have fun cavorting in the sub-standard, piss-sodden sand (Sand castles? Hah! You'll be making sand projects!) of your lower-class beaches, knowing that the David Geffen's bare tootsies are being pampered by the finest grains money can buy.