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First WWD's Brobdingnagian Jeff Bercovici tipped us to Conde Nast honcho Steve Florio's forthcoming management book-cum-memoir -cum-revenge fantasy. Then David Carr suggested in the Times that Florio had given up on the project. "I would never sacrifice my integrity to write a book," Florio told Carr. "Because of what was said and how it was taken, there will be no book."

But now comes last night's Publisher's Lunch, which notes this sale (admittedly with a caveat):

Conde Nast vice chairman Steve Florio's MANAGING THE GODS, sharing the wealth of extraordinary experiences he's had, the brilliant people he's interacted with, and most important, the management and leadership lessons those experiences and interactions have yielded (he has been lecturing on these lessons at NYUs Stern School of Business), while capturing the high-pressure intensity, competitiveness, and high-stakes corporate and personal drama at the top of New York's magazine publishing culture, to Rick Horgan at Crown, in a pre-empt, for publication in 2006, by Joni Evans at the William Morris Agency (NA).

Care to shed some light, Steve? We'll be waiting for your email:

Earlier: You Can Never Retire From Conde Nastiness