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...and polish your prose, because your chances of scoring that book deal based on your ilovecats.blogspot project are growing increasingly tangible. A new UK publishing house called The Friday Project is looking for web content that will easily translate into old fashioned ink and paper:

The Friday Project is the first mainstream publishing company to specialise in producing books inspired by popular websites, explained Publishing Director Clare Christian. A few publishers have begun to realise the importance of the web-to-print market but until now no one has truly put the Internet at the heart of their publishing strategy. Editor-in-Chief, Paul Carr added After years of working in both online and print publishing, we re really excited to be in a position to bring those two worlds closer together. We ve already signed up some of the web s most creative sites and more are coming on board all the time. It s great to be able to take the massive creative talent that exists online and bring it to a wider audience.

Does someone have an egg timer? We want to see how long it takes for ICM agent-to-the-blogstars Kate Lee to begin pimping her wares across the pond.

The Friday Project
Image via NYC Blogs