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Two Norwegian 20-somethings reported being robbed at knifepoint in Central Park at about 11:30 Monday night. New York's Finest sprung to action — searching the park along with the two victims, showing them mug shots, and, the next morning, following up at the hostel where they were staying.

Detective Robinson invited the men back to the Central Park Precinct station house, where they passed a sign in the doorway that reads, in part: "Please do not embarrass yourself or your family by reporting a false incident."

There, the police interviewed Mr. Skotterud and Mr. Kjaer separately, listening as their stories drifted apart. Caught, the police said, they admitted that they had hoped to cash in on an insurance claim: all the merchandise, except the digital camera, was in the bags they had packed yesterday morning for the trip back to Oslo. The police said they did not know whether the camera really existed.

Then they were arrested.

Which means — on the upside — at least there are two fewer dudes in dark socks and sneakers wandering the park.

The Tale of Two Norwegians and the Holdup in the Park [NYT]