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This press release just in from "the worldwide leader in adult entertainment for women [sic]":

New York, NY, June 28, 2005 — Jill Sieracki has been promoted from Managing Editor to Editor-In-Chief of PLAYGIRL Magazine, the publication has announced. Ms. Sieracki will oversee the redesign of the creative and editorial content of the 31-year-old magazine, which continues to be the worldwide leader of adult entertainment for women. Her first issue will appear on newsstands July 12, 2005.

By our math, this makes Sieracki a 28-year-old editor-in-chief. Which ain't bad at all. Indeed, we're sure she's now an inspiration to all those frustrated Hearst editorial assistants tempted to torpedo their careers by embarrassing themselves on Mediabistro. You, too, can make good!

After all, "women" need their porn, too.

Entertainment for Women [Playgirl]