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• Hey, Tom Cruise, you gonna go and call Matt Lauer glib and irresponsible? Yeah, well, the American Psychiatric Association thinks you're the irresponsible one! Nah nah nah nah! [USNewsWire]
• And just a drop more of Scientology, for those of you who are extra thirsty today. [TONY]
• Now officially illegal on subways: Walking between cars, putting feet on seats, or drinking coffee or soda. Soon also illegal: Not standing up straight, failing to wear a sweater when you might catch cold, or speaking without first raising your hand. [NYT]
• Note to Voice gossip queen Michael Musto: You are not "displeasurable" to the eye. Look in the mirror: YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL MAN. [VV]
• Get excited, people, 'cause this weekend is the Cycle Messenger World Championships. Blood in the streets is practically guaranteed. [NYBMA]