Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Naomi Watts goes batshit, plus Lindsay Lohan and Ashley Stewart, Heath Ledger, Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster, Mary-Kate Olsen, David Bowie, Mira Sorvino and Chris Backus and child, Diane Wiest, Heather Graham, Patti Lupone, Naomi Campbell, Keanu Reeves, Michael Keaton, Janeane Garofalo, Jeff Goldblum, Winona Ryder, Al Sharpton, Mike Meyers, David Alan Grier, Jermaine Dupri, Howard Stern, Janet Weiss, Sally Hershberger, Pat O'Brien, Ned Eisenberg, Meredith Vieira, Max Weinberg and a very special Bernard-Henri L vy sighting from abroad.

My friend and I were shopping in SoHo wed the 22nd and we heard from behind us a woman screaming profanitities. We turned around and it was Naomi Watts from The Ring movies having a screaming match on her cell phone. She looks cute but was obviously on the brink of a meltdown. I guess she realized she was creating a scene because she turned around quickly and disappeared around the block.

Yesterday (june 23rd) I was in one of those little bohemian boutiques that I can't really afford to buy anything in and in walks Naomi Watts looking a little spaced out. She was talking to the sales girl about having to buy clothes for a trip to an ashram. The sales girl was helping her (this is a very tiny store) and suddenly Watts just snapped and started yelling at her, saying that if she couldn't get what she wanted she would go someplace else. Then she grabbed the clothes that the girl was holding, threw them on the floor, and stormed out. The rest of us in the store just stood in disbelief.

i had such a deliciously cliche sighting last night 6/21 at bungalow 8. Lindsey Lohan and Ashley Stewart were on one couch feverishly typing on their sidekicks all night (no illegal substances in sight) while Mary Kate Olsen was backing that thang up in some killer cowboy boots in the neighboring booth.

was at celebrity magnet marquee on tuesday (6/21). literally bumped into Lindsay Lohan and her friends and think i also saw Wilmer there too.

June 24 - I went to the Loews Cineplex on Third Ave. with my friends to see Cinderella Man. About 5 minutes into the movie Heath Ledger and some woman who was definately not Michelle came in to the theater and sat in front of us. They made out heavily for most of the movie. I guess Heath thinks a dark movie theater is a good place to cheat on his pregnant girlfriend. He should know by now that wearing that same green hat everywhere is not the best way to go incognito.

I know you don't usually do sighting outside of the boroughs but this one is big. I saw Hollywood's Richest and Most Powerful Almighty/Tom Cruise hug buddy Oprah Winfrey on June 17th. I was coming out of the Stone Water Spa on the Avenue. No, not 5th but Greenwich. Greenwich, CT. The FOT ("friend" of Tom) and her shadow Gayle were with a entourage only the truly powerful could have, about six assistants/producers/ lackeys, etc. getting into a big ass Escaladish vehicle. I must say she looked great, and has amazing hair.

on thurs june 23 i saw Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster filming the latest spike lee joint for hbo downtown on Beaver and Hanover

I saw MK Olsen at Cain last night (june 21). I'm 5'4 and stood by her, and she's a midget. Actually, the first person I saw was that bazillionaire boyfriend of hers—he looks like Encino Man. She looks exactly like in pictures, and was smiling a lot and seemed to be having a really good time.

Fri, 24 Jun As I was walking into Duane Reade today on Broadway between Houston and Prince I took a glance at the person walking out. I took a second look and realized it was a very discreet David Bowie. Not looking his usual glamourous self he was wearing a blue baseball cap, dark sunglasses, blue t-shirt, and jeans. I guess he didn't want to be noticed on a very crowded Broadway sidewalk filled with European tourists.

Saw Mira Sorvino carrying her baby with husband Chris Backus pushing the stroller and nanny(?), trailing behind Tuesday night (jun 21) at 8:30 on the UWS heading south on Columbus near 81^st St, An hour or more later when we finished dinner we left the restaurant and passed them again heading north. She looked tired but cute in a white sundress although her hair was yellow yellow yellow. Chris looked very young and very cute in a tee shirt, jeans and yankee cap.

Passed Diane Wiest on 9th Ave yesterday (6/21), between 44th & 45th, at around 4 pm. She was talking on her cell phone and stopped in front of a shop to finish her conversation. I restrained myself from making a scene and telling her how much I love her work. No one else seemed to notice her. My friend didn't share my excitement but what does she know.

Last night (6/21) we passed Heather Graham on our way to Magnolia Bakery. She looked happy and gleaming with no make-up on and was eating a cupcake. We, however, did not get cupcakes since the line was around the corner and I was too tipsy to wait around.

I was on my way back from lunch with my husband this afternoon when I spotted Patti LuPone at Chez Josephine's outdoor cafe. She had just sat down with two men and appeared a bit nervous. Shared a "that's Patti LuPone!" with one of my building's doormen who was watching the scene from his post two doors down.

thurs june 23rd Looking deceivingly demure, sighted the alleged three-time assistant beater herself, Ms. Naomi Campbell, on Broadway almost at prince surrounded by 5 hanger-ons and peons, not as beautiful as i expected.

Friday 6/24 310pm Saw Keanu at Columbus and 81st on the UWS. he was wearing a brown suit that was nice but really wrinkley, like he slept in it. He is such a dogstar. He was with a blond who was pretty, but not bombastically so.

Saw a casually dressed Michael Keaton after lunch today (jun22) crossing 57th at 6th Avenue with a well-dressed business type. He looks really good for his age.

Janeane Garofalo walking alone up Park Avenue at 29th (6/23) around 6:30pm. (Headed to the radio show perhaps?) I was pleasantly surprised she looked terrific, very fit, and I don't think my early-90s crush on her clouds my judgment. Was wearing silver-framed aviators with a sleeveless shirt to show off her rockin' tatts

Saw Jeff Goldblum on 14th street between 5th and 6th on Monday, June 20th, talking into his cell phone about how beautiful it was outside. I believe he was wearing some sort of workout attire.

I'm perusing the Christian Louboutin section at Barneys this evening (6/23), and I see this girl wearing a Burberry bucket hat with two pigtail braids, a dark top, and a floor-length dark skirt, with literally thirty or so shoe boxes around her. She's sort of whining to the woman she's with that a certain shoe didn't fit right. I realize that this is Winona Ryder! She has a cute face, very delicate features.

Tonight as I was walking south on Madison Avenue, I ran into Al Sharpton between 62nd and 61st street. He had just exited a chauffeured black Cadillac and was walking into what I believe was an apartment building. I said "Mr. Sharpton, hello!" and he said "hello" in return. He was skinnier than I thought he would be.

I was walking home after work on 6/23 on Houston street and made eye contact with the hot scruffy looking guy in a knit hat walking towards me ...only to realize it was Scott Foley — who looked way more "Ben" then "Noel" on this particular evening. Although I did wonder what he was doing wearing the knit hat in 90 degree weather.

Sat, 25 Jun 2005 today i saw mike myers with wife robin crossing sullivan st. and walking towards w. houston. he was dressed in a white button down shirt and she was in all black. he's very short in person and his skin is in dire need of moisturizer.

David Alan Grier at the opening receptinon for Aernout Mik's Refraction at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, of all places. Was very grabby towards his female companion

While on my way into Marquee thur jun 23 I was fortunate enough to witness my man Jermaine Dupri getting out of an Escalade with about 5 large gentlemen. Not that exciting, however the fun part is that they told the doorman before hand it was Wilmer Valderrama, so they were all expecting "the guy from That 70's Show." Needless to say, they were stunned when a 5'8 african american popped out with diamonds the size of cueballs in his ears. He played with his "Sidekick" all night and looked rather uninterested in the tail throwing themselves at him.

Sat, 25 Jun Just wanted to let you know I saw Howard Stern on 14 st. and 9th ave. Looked like he was going to Vento. He's tall!

thur jun 23: saw Janet Weiss of sleater-kinney in the conde nast cafeteria. like, whoa

Wed jun 22 at about 630pm, while running to Soho House for pre-party drinks, I crossed paths with Sally Hershberger and a tall, pretty woman. Sally looks cool, but almost lesbian-esque... is she?

thurs, june 23, saw Dave Matthews drinking cocktails, gazing out at the Statue of Liberty at the bar on the deck Ritz on Battery Park.

Saw a super-skeevy Pat O'Brien on the corner of 44/7 on Monday afternoon (6/20). He was pacing around and staring at his Blackberry, wearing a suit sans jacket. I had sunglasses on so I could glare at Potty Mouth Pat as he not once, but twice, gave me a lingering stare. He looked thin and orange and I had to restrain myself from screaming "Let's go crazy and get some coke! Leave me a voicemail!"

At the auction house where I work I was especially distracted yesterday by vaguely familiar looking man who was maniacally pacing and circling the room for most of the sale. I did some sleuthing and it turned out to be Ned Eisenberg, a character actor who is frequently on Law & Order. He seemed perfectly normal, but if he weren't an actor I would totally peg him as a very typical sort of art auction buyer, the jittery dealer (they're either cool as cucumbers or semi-off-the-wall).

Sunday (6/19) I was walking uptown on Broadway past Ruby Foo's, happened to look at who was dining at the open front windows, and saw Meredith Vieira of The View and now Millionaire fame. She was sitting with a young girl (daughter, perhaps?). Sadly, some poor schmo on the sidewalk in full cycling getup wouldn't leave her alone. She grinned and beared it. Then seconds later I walked right past Scott Speedman of Felicity fame. Perfect face-scruff, perfect buns.

Friday (6/24), 11:45 am: saw Max Weinberg in the West 4th Station wearing a nice dark blue suit, blue shirt and blue and black tie. He was holding a large black binder with just a few papers in it (he looked like someone going to a job interview). He had an annoyed expression on his face, but I would too if I was wearing a suit in a subway station in the summer at high noon. Was he forced to take the subway? What's NBC paying him?

Sat, 25 Jun had the greatest/worst Bernard-Henri L vy sighting. confirmed seen at the ceiba del mar hotel near cancun. he's an schmuck. He was sitting next to me in the lobby - i asked him the time, he looked straight at me and away. there was a watch on his wrist. i asked again slowly in case he didn't understand, "excuse me do you have the time?" he said, "no." then he kept making this weird phlegmy noise in his throat. i can't wait to toss Barbarism with a Human Face when i return to NYC.