For your inquisitive pleasure, today's blind items are a bit more challenging than the usual Lohan-ready tidbits. In fact, they're downright insidery, and insidery always makes us hot:

• Which married man is coping with the pressures of doing a daily talk show with the help of different masseuses? The comely therapists visit his hotel room almost every day.

• Which financier with friends in the movie biz has his huge Hamptons mansion equipped with spy cams? One of his Tinseltown pals insisted his girlfriend change in the closet during a recent visit to avoid being videotaped.

• Which iconic fashion designer likes to be called Trixie when he dresses up in drag?

Hmm... We know plenty of Trixies, but none of them are designers — so we're all atwitter for your guesses. Send your innocent insights to, and we'll run 'em at the end of the day, bringing closure to all those who need it.

Just Asking [Page Six]