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So late in the day Thursday we post a tip we fully expect is just a rumor: that the Letterman show is busy calling judges around town, to have one on hand for that night's taping in case guest Tom Cruise wants to marry Katie on the show. When the Late Show airs, it turns out, much to our amazement, that we were right.

Friday afternoon, we publish another tip we think is just a rumor, this one even further fetched: that Queer Eye's Jai Rodriguez had recently been spotted canoodling with a certain famously womanizing Italian TV chef. Then this email comes in:

I was at the Bewitched premier last week with my girlfriend, and when the movie was over, they had shuttle busses waiting to take us over to Lincoln Center for the afterparty. We got in line, turned abround, and saw Jai and Rocco walking toward us. They stood near the bus, debating whether or not to take it with the rest of us (how the mighty [or not] have fallen) when Rocco said something in a low voice to Jai and Jai said out loud "yeah, we could grab a drink there. Let's go". They took off down the street with this other couple (hetero) that was with them. I saw the couple later at the afterparty, but not Jai and Rocco.

Still not a full confirmation, but now we're a little less skeptical. Which is weird: We're not all that familiar with actually being right.

Earlier: To Answer the Question, No, We Don't Think We'd Believe You