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It's not easy being a summer associate at one of New York's fancy corporate law firms. Sure, you get paid a lot of money. And, yes, there are all sorts of parties and events for you. And, granted, you're taken out for fancy lunches nearly every day. But sometimes things can be tough — sometimes, you have to chip in for those lunches.

——-Original Message——-
From: [sixth-year associate's assistant]
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:58 PM
To: [five summer associates]
Subject: $3.00 for [asshole associate]

[redacted] has asked me to collect $3.00 from each of you from the lunch you had today. Considering the time of day, I'll come by your offices tomorrow morning to retrieve it. Please have it ready for me then. I'll send you a reminder in the morning. Thanks.

But, really, let's be reasonable. Apparently there was only $330 budgeted for the lunch, and the tab came to $345.

It's not easy being a sixth-year associate, either.

Earlier: Actually, the Hudson Is Cleaner Than It's Been in Decades