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In a case of life imitating Cinemax comes word of a Manhattan hotel employee ("Max") who brings a Bose iPod station to a guest's room, only to find two naked women pracing about. Naturally, we're dying to know in which property the following (if true) went down:

Max walks inside and realizes that both Emily and I are naked.
Max: "Are you girls lovers or friends?"
Lara: "Both"
Max: "What's your favorite part of her?"
I pause - "I like all of her"
Emily: "That's a typically male question to ask, women don't think that way, women think of other women as a whole"
Max, in a completely unprofessional manner that shocked even me: "I am an ass man."

Completely unprofessional, indeed! But a hotel where they bring Bose iPod stations to your room? Where is this magical place?

Truth is Stranger than Fiction [JetSetLara via HotelChatter]