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Thanks to this week's sponsors, whose sticky dollars allow us to Tivo every Tom Cruise television appearance. Interested in joining our downward spiral? More info here.

• Stella from Comedy Central
• Verizon
• American Apparel
• Radar Mag
• Max Delivery
• The Pet Set
• Billy Corgan
• Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
• The Discovery Channel
• Nokia
• Fatal Attraction

Win tickets to Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy, starring your favorite Goonie, Corey Feldman. Admit it: You want this, and you want it bad. Details after the jump.

Our Gawker HS Drama Club sponsors love you, and to prove it they're giving away a pair of tickets to Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy. One lucky Gawker reader with a taste for ironic entertainment will score these highly-coveted seats for the performance — which only matters because it's starring Sir Corey Feldman. Yes, that Corey Feldman!

Running between July 1st and August 27th at the East 13th Street Theatre in New York, Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy is a new comedy that lovingly, liberally, and loosely parodies the well-known thriller film from 1987. Yes, they know it's ridiculous. Did we mention that it stars Corey freaking Feldman? This is HIS time, his time down HERE.

To enter, just send in an email to with the subject line Fatal Attraction Contest before Monday, June 27th. An email will be picked at random, and the lucky winner will take home 70 minutes in theatrical heaven.