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• It looks like you'll soon be able to buy the morning-after pill over the counter, giving your fuck buddies yet another reason to bitch about wearing a condom. [Salon]
• Oh, we're sorry, did you not want to move out of your home to make way for a new strip mall? Tough, 'cause the Supreme Court ain't hearing it. [CNN]
• After 11 years of soft-core porn, E! has finally bid adieu to the Howard Stern Show. [HuffPo]
Times review of The Aristocrats fails to retell the dirty joke, making the whole thing worthless. Pussies. [NYT]
• Oh, Gavin McInnes. Why, man? Just stick to Vice, please. [VDARE]
• Wooing in the age of new media. [Verbose Coma]
• "Chloe Sevigny rehearses her big scene for The Brown Bunny". []