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In its ongoing but inexplicable campaign to prove that people in flyover states have no idea what they're talking about, the Chicago Tribune has for the third consecutive year published a list of the 50 best magazines in country as chosen by the paper's arts-section staff. Some of the confounding findings:

New York beats The New Yorker.
The Atlantic beats The New Yorker.
Shop Etc. beats Esquire.
The Chronicle of Higher Education beats Us Weekly.
BlenderBlender! — tops the list.
• And Vanity Fair is the third best magazine the country.

Attempting to explain the list, advice columnist Amy Dickinson [Apparently there was a goof on the Trib's website this morning, and she didn't write the intro. So let's try: the paper] writes in the introduction:

But who cares what some publishing-industry poohbahs think? Magazines speak to each of us differently, and those lauded for slick editing and fancy photography aren't always the ones that capture our hearts. The New Yorker is the best magazine? Tell that to the readers of Armchair General.

Um, OK. Hey, readers of Armchair General? The New Yorker is the best magazine.

Glad to be of service.

50 Best Magazines [Chicago Tribune]