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Christ on a crutch, we're going to have to write about Lindsay Lohan again — at least we refrained from covering her post-Today show appearance on The View. (But as long as we're on the subject, Lindsay told the Viewsters that she has strep throat. In Lindsay speak, we know this means she was actually at Marquee last night, well after three AM, with a certain Wilmer fellow. Or so we hear, ahem.)

Having to write about Lohan in this particular instance, however, is an extenuating circumstance (we swear) because it involves books — and Gawker knows that reading is fundamental, so we owe it to you to cover the reading habits of celebrities. Apparently, Lindsay reads the Gawker To-Do List, because our favorite homegirl sauntered into best-selling memoirist James Frey's reading last night. While we doubt Lindsay's read his latest tome, My Friend Leonard (she's busy, okay?), we suspect she may be familiar with his first work, A Million Little Pieces, passages of which function as primers for all things Lohan:

I switch to the drugs. I take a deep breath and I bury my face in the pile of coke and I inhale and my nostrils turn to fire and the back of my throat becomes and inferno. I take a breath, inhale, take a breath, inhale, take a breath, inhale. Too much too fast and my nose starts bleeding. I wipe the blood away and I take a breath and I inhale. I do it again.

At least she's reading.