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In this edition: Ben Affleck, Johnny Depp, Laura Dern, Gloria Steinem, Billy Bob Thornton, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Mary Kate Olsen, Meryl Streep, Donna Summer and Deborah Harry, Natalie Portman, Juliette Lewis, Susan Sarandon, Christopher Guest, Al Franken, Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson, Naomi Watts, Sofia Coppola, Anthony Michael Hall, Andre 3000, Mark Wahlberg, Carlos Leon, Richard Belzer, Peter Dinklage and Tino Martinez.

Saw Ben Affleck at Dos Caminos on West Broadway and Houston on Saturday (6/18) night. I was having dinner outside when Ben came out to smoke. The hostess came over and asked him to not smoke where people were eating. He was very polite and apologized and then walked through the crowd of diners and finished his cigarette in front of the restaurant. He was looking rather ragged (hadn't shaved in a few days) and portly (sympathy pounds?). Didn't see Jennifer, though she might have been dining with him inside the restaurant.

On Monday June 20th, I saw Johnny Depp at Christie's. He was with his art consultant Jon Shore. They were descending the lobby staircase while I was ascending the adjacent one. I know Shore from our days working together at Christie's, so I hollered out "Hey Jon" directed towards Shore, then BOTH Depp and Shore replied "Hey!" back to me! Depp was wearing jeans and had on glasses. He's not particularly tall.

Saw Laura Dern and Gloria Steinem at a benefit for "Equality Now" last night. Also ran into Billy Bob Thornton coming out of my Chase bank at 5th Ave. and 14th St. yesterday; he was wheeling an expensive mountain bike and wearing dark sunglasses.

saw the Olsen Twins @ Crobar for Grace Jones/Black Eyed Peas in the VIP section on June 16.

Saw MK Olsen in Kmart yesterday. Knew it was her the moment I caught sight of her two tooth pick legs sticking out of cowboy boots. Looked just like she does in pictures, except skinnier and grosser. She stopped at the photo booth, then disappeared. Later as I was outside trying to hail a cab, MK ran by and jumped into her waiting SUV with California plates. Her friends\slaves followed behind bags in hand.

At the Union Square Whole Foods on Saturday I saw Mary-Kate Olsen in the checkout line in some seriously short jean cutoffs which exposed her marionette-like twig legs. didn't get a look at what she was buying to not-eat.

Saw Meryl Streep in Battery Park at lunchtime shooting a promotional spot for something. She is much shorter in person than I thought she would be. Very nice to everyone, in an oxford and jeans. Looked much younger than her years.

I saw Donna Summer and Deborah Harry having lunch at Michaels...on Friday, June17 - looked like they were having a lot of fun....

On Sunday at about 5 I saw Natalie Portman on the 2nd floor of MoMA with a couple that appeared to be her very normal looking parents. She was very tiny and has a very pretty face, but she looked like a cult member with that awful buzz cut.

I saw Juliette Lewis @ the Cock, June 14 around 3:30AM. She was powdering her nose

On Saturday around 3 I saw a very pretty Susan Sarandon walking outside of the G-Star store in Soho with her son, about 12. She looked gorgeous but doesn't seem to have had any work done, "aging naturally" — she looked like a pretty mom, not a movie star, which was kind of nice.

Saw Christopher Guest on Saturday at the Metropolitan Museum in the Great Hall. Wasn't sure at first if it was actually him or a regular Midwestern tourist schlub. He made angry-looking eye contact, maybe because he was as disappointed as I was at the Chanel exhibit that doubles as a shrine to the devil himself, Karl Lagerfeld. No Jamie Lee Curtis in sight... perhaps she is off filming a True Lies sequel?

Saw Al Franken on Friday night (6/17) at Citrus on 320 Amsterdam and 75th with his daughter and her beau in tow. Al was dressed in his Minnesota best in jeans, a tucked-in oxford shirt, and loafers. He seemed to be giving said beau the third degree over dinner...They ate and paid quickly.

Walking back home last night up 1st Ave to 5th Street 6/20 10pm in the E. Village I was staring straight at a bearded, hippy looking man who turned out to be Chris Robinson (straggly, but HOT!), dining al fresco at Three of Cups on the corner of 5th and 1st . Across from him was his wife Kate Hudson in a hat closely resembling what Eloise might wear. I begrudgingly admit, she s damn pretty. They were with a bunch of music biz looking friends passing many beers down the table.

On Sunday, 6/19, around 4pm, I passed Naomi Watts walking eastward on Houston St toward Mott. She looked cute but relatively un-starlet-y, with her very, very blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail and big-ol' dark sunglasses. She had on some kind of flowy colorful top with jeans. She's quite short and petite, but she didn't look as bony as I would have expected. She was with a mini-entourage of four or five unknowns.

Saw Sofia Coppola with a female friend on Bleeker between Charles and Perry Sts. She was very casual, wearing a denim skirt and no makeup and looks really tiny in person.

Spotted Anthony Michael Hall at Sushi Samba on 6.20.05... looking much more Johnny Be Good than Farmer Ted wearing a surprisingly tight t-shirt and very jockish hair (longer on top, super short in the back) had an attractive blond in tow he is much taller than expected until last night I never realized how much he looks like a younger, thinner Chris Moore His tall ass stalked around the restaurant from corner to corner and finally up to the roof as though he was desperately searching for the right seat (or simply seeking to be recognized)...

Saw Andre 3000 on Sunday (6/19) walking on 1st up towards 13th street. Was wearing all white with these bug sunglasses and the lenses were tinted this iridescent yellow-gold color. He also had this massive white cocoon thing on his head with all his hair tucked in. Shorter than I thought he would be...

Saw Mark Wahlberg getting out of a Bentley on Sunday morning (6/19) at the corner of Avenue A and 12th Street.

Saw Madonna's baby's daddy, Carlos Leon, on Sunday around 6:30 on the downtown E train. Yes, I recognized him almost instantly.

saw richard belzer last week at citarella on 10th street and 6th avenue. is very tall and thin and was wearing dark sunglasses and chatting on a cell phone. he didn't buy anything though though he spent a lot of time walking around the store.

Saw Peter Dinklage (The Station Agent) walking into Magnolia Bakery, holding hands with a girl (who was not a little person). They appeared to be a couple.

The Yankees' Tino Martinez walking up Second Avenue in the 80s on Saturday evening, with his family in tow, a few hours after the Yankees beat the Cubs, 8-1. Perhaps Tino was headed to one of the many frat bars in the area to drown his sorrows after going 0-4 with three strikeouts and leaving six runners on base.