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Do you have what it takes to be an associate lifestyle editor at Life & Style magazine? Here's the L&S writing test we reported yesterday:

Nicole Richie and DJ AM (also known as Adam Goldstein) have been photographed poolside at the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas. Write a 200 word travel story, with a headline and deck, and captions for photos (you can come up with ideas of what the photos might show). Also, tell us your ideas for a style box (3-5 products that relate to the story) and a service-type box that gives people info that might help them plan a trip to Vegas.

Send us your best attempts, to But remember, while L&S rules allow you to make up whatever details you want, if you get the job you'll be forced to rely on — gasp! — actual information.

Winner gets a glowing recommendation letter from Gawker to accompany your job application. Or, if your prefer, no letter. Which might well be more helpful.

Earlier: Things We Like to Think Go Without Saying