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We hate to write about Lindsay Lohan for a third time in a mere 24 hours (okay, maybe we don't hate it), but Lohan was back for another round of fun on the Today Show. As the actress continued continued to totter about Rockefeller, she genuinely explained to Matt Lauer what it means to be El Hohan. Courtesy of Henry the Intern, do enjoy Lindsay Lohan's Talking Points:

• I want to be an actress, not "just a celebrity."
• I am not dating the boy from that band.
• I want to model my career after Jodie Foster, hence "Freaky Friday," because she made the transition from child star to credible actress.
• I do not have an eating disorder, I hit puberty. [Matt Lauer, meanwhile, was more than impressed.]
• I am almost 19, dammit. Not a girl, not yet a woman.
• I only care that my friends know the truth.
• I worry about my family.
• I want to lock-up my sister.

Funny, Lindsay — your sister says the same thing about you.