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• Perhaps the wackiest gay-pride stunt ever: A straight pastor is unicycling down the East Coast, collecting "human stories" of gay Americans for inclusion in a book. Queer, indeed. [Good As You]
• The New York City branch of the Log Cabin Republicans endorsed Bloomberg today. Because it's nice to find a Republican candidate who doesn't actively hate you. [Boi From Troy]
• We were busy watching Today this morning, so we missed this incident from Regis and Kelly's cruise-ship trip, sent in by a vigilant reader:

They have 2 visiting weathermen on board with them — Sam Champion and Tony Perkins. This morning when they went to do the weather, they had Sam reporting from a chaise lounge, he was sunning himself reading Cargo and wearing a tight white ringer tee, that Kelly commented on "I love the tight t-shirt look, Sam." Also Kelly then added that every time Sam got the weather wrong he would have to remove an item of clothing He stopped his reading of Cargo, gave the forecast for the remainder of the cruise and introduced Tony Perkins who then started to apply sunscreen onto Sam's bronzed arm, Tony applied too much sunscreen leaving a huge white smear on Sam's arm, probably not where Sam is used to having such smears.

We're pretty sure we saw a video once that started like that.