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A writing test administered by Life & Style magazine showed up in our inbox this afternoon:

L&S Writing/Editing Test for Associate Lifestyle Editor position

(This is a totally fictional story created only for sample testing purposes, so obviously there's no way to actually report/research it. So you're welcome to create the kinds of details and quotes that you might find doing actual reporting on an actual story. Obviously in the real world we would only be dealing with actual information. Any questions, just call or email me. Thanks!)

Nicole Richie and DJ AM (also known as Adam Goldstein) have been photographed poolside at the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas. Write a 200 word travel story, with a headline and deck, and captions for photos (you can come up with ideas of what the photos might show). Also, tell us your ideas for a style box (3-5 products that relate to the story) and a service-type box that gives people info that might help them plan a trip to Vegas.

Actual information? Shit, that sucks.