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If you don't feel her pain, you're a total dick.
Rushing into the studio a mere "45 seconds" before the cameras went live, young Lindsay Lohan sat down for a chat with Matt Lauer about how she's "honest and an open book." On matters of her new movie, Herbie:

ML: You love driving.
LL: I used to.

Touché, darling. Nevertheless, Lohan put her newfound fear of horsepower aside for the sake of promotional duties and raced remote-control cars, one of which eventually knocked over co-host Ann Curry (you go, Lindsay!). After the jump, photographic documentation.

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Behind that tough orange exterior is a little girl. And she's very hungover.

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Lauer gives his best "empathy face."

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Lindsay expresses her dismay at Ann Curry's Easy Spirit pumps.

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The young actress steadies her hands just long enough to hold the remote control.

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Look! A promotional Herbie! What a coincidence!

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Despite her frail appearance, Lindsay demonstrates superhuman strength.

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Obligatory NASCAR reference.

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"Oh, you just want me to operate the car? You sure you don't want me to snort it?"

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Unable to control her car, Lindsay gives in to the agony of failure. Can someone get her a fucking Bloody Mary already?

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Curry pretends to be amused after being knocked to the ground by Lindsay's car. Bloodshed is imminent.