Sightings are sent by readers, most of whom get out more than we do. Send yours to

In this edition: Liza Minnelli, Al Pacino and Harvey Keitel and Robert DeNiro, Patrick Dempsey, Rudy Giuliani, George Lucas, Lauren Bacall, Mary-Kate Olsen, Gene Simmons, Meryl Streep, James Gandolfin, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams, Matthew Broderick, Claire Danes, Ally Sheedy, John Lithgow, Sam Rockwell, Gabriel Byrne, David Eigenberg, Maggie Gyllenhall, Giovanni Ribisi, Jimmy Fallon, Dean Winters, Alan Cumming, Flavor Flav, Kelly Ripa, Damon Dash and Rachel Roy, Conor Oberst, Todd Solondz, Philip Bloch, and Constantine.

had an awesome sighting today....saw Liza Minnelli on 3rd and 73rd buying one of those cheap leather cell phone cases off the street. She was with a friend, or maybe an assistant. Had full Liza makeup on, looked great. Someone came up to take a picture, and she was super nice. Didn't seem like she was about to physically abuse anyone. She's awesome.

Probably my most amazing sighting ever last night (June 15). I was eating dinner with a friend in my fave neighborhood spot (In Tribeca), and we notice there's a guy sitting at the table across from us sort of listening to our conversation and watching us. I realize it's Al Pacino! I nearly fell of my chair. About ten minutes later, in walks Harvey Keitel with a woman — not sure if it was a wife or an assistant. My friend and I were reeling. Give it another ten minutes, and freaking Robert DeNiro walks in with his wife! Unbelievable — they really do all hang out and eat dinner together. They're all also short. Not one of the lot (of men) was over 5'8" (at best)! Nevertheless, extremely exciting!

yesterday (thurs 6/16), sometime in the morning, I walked a few blocks down west end avenue in the 70s next to patrick dempsey (of grey's anatomy), and damn, did he look good. he walked fast and i walked faster to keep up at get a good look. he was pretty tall, more than expected, and looked very put together. no uws dads look that good, ever.

Fri june 17 Saw Rudy Giuliani heading into Osteria del Circo on 55th Street last night, with entourage. I work nearby, and while I was out getting lunch I saw Barbara Walters heading in, guess it was a busy day over there.

I saw George Lucas today (6/15) at the MOMA at about 1PM. He was looking rather jittery, pacing in front of Monet's Waterlilies, wearing a smashing khaki shorts, navy blue polo shirt, and cream sweater vest ensemble. He was alone and I wasn't positive that it was him until several very bored looking adolescent boys on a school field trip suddenly became very interested in Monet... and autographs.

Today (6/15) at the Whole Foods at Columbus Circle, Lauren Bacall picking out fresh fruit -the organic kind. Ironically, I had just watched The Treasure of Sierra Madre with the audio commentary on (Eric Lax speed reading/mumbling from a prepared text) so I had to resist the urge to tell her that I had learned she made a mean meal for Bogie, the Hustons et all while on location in Mexico. Back in the 21st century, she politely apologized a few times to random tourists for taking up aisle space with her cart. I left feeling starstruck by someone who reminded me of my mom at the A&P.

Thu, Jun 16th I saw Mary-Kate Olsen at the Ben and Jerry's downtown on 3rd Avenue. She was sitting in a booth alone across from a few of her friends. She was eating soft serve vanilla in a cone with rainbow sprinkles. She left once I started telling all my friends that she was there.

Saw Gene Simmons of KISS yesterday @ 6:30 pm on Pine walking toward Broadway in the Financial District with a couple of business/legal-type dudes in suits. Gene was rockin' the shellac dome and a sportcoat.

june 17 Saw Meryl Streep walking on 12th street between University and 5th ave with a female friend.

saw James Gandolfini, looking very tony, at cafe on clinton in cobble hill/the heights. on a bench, rumpled white shirt, smoking a cigar and being big-bellied in the heat. there were children and cameras, in a sort of celebratory way—like an after-baptism brunch or...does he have a teenager? cause all the hipster rich kids on clinton were dressed like prostitutes and waiting for their limos to take them to the prom.

Saw Michelle Willams and Heath Ledger at The Coffee Pot on Avenue A and E 3rd St today (Friday, 6/17) around 2:00 PM. She bought a bottled water, he bought a blended coffee drink. They proceeded to use one of the internet terminals - he checked his Hotmail account while she flipped through the New York Post, and then she checked her Yahoo account. She was wearing a cute black dress and matching flip flops, looking quite pregnant. Both looked like they could use a shower.

Just saw Matthew Broderick walking down 56th Street carrying his bike helmet. Hate to say it, but he looked fat, not muscular. I thought he gave me goo-goo eyes, but it may have just been bike riding exhaustion eyes.

went to Sandra Cameron's last night (6/15) for a dance lesson and saw Claire Danes there, also for a dance lesson. She looked quite pretty, but was wearing an oddly matronly outfit (slacks and a weird cropped collarless jacket) and was with a non-Crudup, youngish latino guy. Maybe learning to foxtrot for her next movie?

June 14 saw Ally Sheedy eating lunch with a seriously Midwestern looking family at the Olympic Flame Diner on 60th and Amsterdam She seemed as though she rather be eating her own dandruff alone.

Last night (Thursday 16 June), my wife & I were having dinner at Rosa Mexicano at Lincoln Center, and the staff seated John Lithgow at the next table over from us. He was slightly disheveled (from the sudden downpour, I think), and was much thinner than I remember him looking. Maybe the camera really DOES add ten pounds? Anyway, he dined alone, read a book the whole time, and paid with his Gold Card.

Saw Sam Rockwell on the 1/9 train yesterday. Got on at 42nd St. headed downtown. Looked rustled but cool, with a small outdoor-chic backpack on stuffed to the gills. he was having an intense conversation with a greying, portly man with goatee who, unfortunately, was not Big Fat Bernie Gayle.

june 16 Gabriel Byrne on 44th & 6th. Dressed casually but looking manly/rugged in a Russell Crowe phone tossing kinda way.

Tuesday, June 14, saw David Eigenberg (Steve from SATC) dining outside at Vento, then walked a few blocks south, right past Maggie Gyllenhall on Greenwich Street, looking stunning in the perfect black cocktail dress and getting into a black sedan.

Giovanni Ribisi was taking pictures of hipsters outside of Misshapes on Saturday night. Don't know if he went inside at all, but I saw him walk away with a few friends.

6/17 This afternoon I walked by Jimmy Fallon on Irving Place. He was looking worse for wear and has definitely gained some weight since I last saw him on tv. Poor guy.

Last night (6/15) at Snitch: A cute (and taller than expected) Dean Winters, hanging with friends. Had to text some Mary friends in LA, who are still dreaming of a Dean n Chris Meloni Oz Sandwich, to make them jealous.

Alan Cumming at Bar Americain Friday Jun 3, looking eccentric and dashing in a pair of oversized round glasses, sort of channeling a Willy Wonka look.

i was walking today (june 17) on 57th and a little man dressed like a bike messenger (baggie shorts, bag across his chest) was jaywalking, pumping a fist in the air, and screaming unintelligible things- who else but Flavor Flav?! He carried on like your run of the mill crazy street person from 9th ave to 7th. When I came out of a store there fifteen minutes later he was still going, much to the amusement of the suits on lunchhour who were all talking about it on their phones. Tourists outside Hard Rock Cafe were confused and kept a safe distance. And yes, he's short, even when he's not standing next to Brigitte Nielsen. Kicking myself for not yelling out "Fufi!"

june 15 saw Kelly Ripa with child yesterday at the washington square park playground. exactly as would be expected; small, blonde, and decidedly UNbubbly. the tattoo completely overpowers her tiny leg though.

saw damon dash and rachel roy eating at cipriani downtown on tuesday night around 7ish- sitting outside with a young boy, their son? and another family. was crazy when they came in- out of the huge escalade on the blackberry

Saw Conor Oberst Saturday around 2:00 walking down 14th St. near 6th ave talking on his cell . . . dark dyed hair, jeans, and a windbreaker . . . looked very serious

I got some "Happiness" from spotting director Todd Solondz walking solo up Broadway past E. 9th Street on Saturday, July 18 at 4:45 PM. Geeked out in his trademark specs, Solondz was wearing a red plaid short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans. Didn't see Weiner Dog, though.

Not sure if this counts... But earlier tonight (6/15), while eating in Sushi Samba's outdoors section, I spotted celebrity stylist Philip Bloch, shuffling up Seventh Ave South. Sans celebrity, but still with style. He looked sad. :(

june 15 And last night I saw Constantine from American Idol walking into Webster Hall for the Bloc Party show.