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Oh, for joy, 'tis Friday and Page Six comes bearing gifts. With varying degrees of difficulty, everyone can enjoy this batch of blind items:

· Which top leading man interviewed three different starlets for the job of girlfriend/future wife before picking his new beloved? "Mark my words: They'll have a baby," said our source. "Maybe he or she will be conceived in a petri dish, but they'll procreate."
· Which teen terror has herpes? The starlet was diagnosed with the "social disease" recently after fooling around with several high-profile studs, who might have it now, too.
· Which young wife of a big-name director is upset at her husband? The director has a "crush" on a beautiful young blond actress and has hired her for a second movie. The last time he worked with a woman twice, he was sleeping with her.

You know the routine: Send us your guesses and we'll run your insights at the end of the day. Then we can all relax into the weekend, secure in our shared knowledge of the trite and traumatic.

Just Asking [Page Six]