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Have you ever wished that whilst having your guts stomped out by a bouncer that refuses to warm to your continued attempts to invade Spider Club (Paris Hilton must know your true feelings, why can't they understand?), you could yelp out the name of the club's owner or that evening's sainted promoter in the vain hope that your beating will be somewhat curtailed? If so,'s got your back with its guide to our fine city's hottest nightlife personalities. "On the list," as it were: Prey owner Sam Nazarian, DJ "Mr. Nicole Richie" AM, and Brent Bolthouse (whose radio show on Indie 103 with Danny Masterson is a must-listen for Danny Masterson fans), who controls the infamous Friday night list at the aforementioned Spider. The helpful folk even include a photo gallery with the list, so that you can wave goodbye to someone far better connected than you in those final, sweet moments of consciousness preceding the unceremonious dumping of your broken, D-list body in a urine-soaked alley. Fun!