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Suggestions for Yankee Stadium sponsors rolled in today like wins do — er, like wins usually do — for the Bombers. Some were topical, some were punny, some were angry, and some were very, very specific. But only one was the clear winner. (OK, after the person who wrote, "Usually I respond to your calls for ideas, since I don't really have much better to do with my time. But I don't see how I or anyone else can top the brilliance of "Kim Field(s) at Yankee Stadium." He'll always be the winner in our hearts.)

The official winner: John Connor, who cleverly discerned our fondness for absurdist wordplay and obscurist references and submitted the brilliant co-sponsorship opportunity for Sesame Street and a certain Hollywood power lawyer, "Bert Field at Yankee Stadium."

Runners-up after the jump.

• "We Lost the Olympics" Compensation Field at Yankee Stadium

• Raging Douchebag Field at Yankee Stadium

• Have Yoko and Darryl combine to sponsor Strawberry Field.

•The Drudge Dugouts? With players' little pit stops for crotch grabbing, seems appropriate.

• Home Depot Plate, Bill Frist Base, Right Guard Field, Clorox Bleacher Creatures, Pitcher's Mounds , and the Trent Parking Lott? [Bud Selig: Hire this man immediately. He's a sponsorships genius.]

• Jason Giambi Juicy Juice Stand, Trump Plaza Plaza at Yankee Stadium [Bud: And maybe this one as the last guy's intern?]

Earlier: You Take the Good, You Talk the Bad