Sightings are sent by readers with retinas of steel; send yours to

In this edition: Bruce Springsteen, Dave Chappelle, Amber Frey, Sarah Jessica Parker, Susan Sarandon, Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, Maggie Gyllenhall and Peter Sarsgaard, Dan Aykroyd, Molly Shannon, Michael Imperioli, Sam Rockwell, Paul Giametti, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Clive Owen, K.D. Lang, Juliette Lewis, Anna Wintour, Pat O'Brien, Leelee Sobieski, Mark Wahlberg, Malcolm Gladwell, Larry King, Star Jones and Al Reynolds, and Helena Christensen.

What a bitchin' celeb-spotting day I had on Friday. First up I saw Amber Frey on 5th ave pushing a baby stroller. Does she have a kid? Then I saw Alan Alda walking on Broadway and 56th. Then the best of all: I spotted a totally hot Bruce Springsteen browsing the new book tables at the Union Square B&N. Dig his soul patch. What is he now, 50? I wish he would have thrown me on top of the table for some sweet Boss lovin'. Sigh....

Dave Chappelle made a surprise appearance onstage at Gotham Comedy Club on Saturday night. It was the 12:30 show. Everyone was totally shocked. He was amazing... tried out a lot of new material and took on all the crazy rumors from the get-go. He was amazing.

I was in the West Village on Christopher and 7th on Friday around 6 PM and saw nonother than the quintessential New Yorker herself, Sarah Jessica Parker, she was doing the one-two-three "weee" thing with her little boy and what must have been a nanny. A few people had cautiously gathered to stare and I knew my friends would kill me if I didn't at least ask for a pic. I timidly went up to her with my camera phone ready and asked if she would mind, and she replied in the sweetest most sincere tone, "Um, I'd love not to when I with my child, I'm so sorry." She was so nice that I put my phone away immediately and said, "I totally understand, I'm sorry too." Then some pscho lady came up right behind her and started to drool on about how much she loves her, loves her baby, loves all babies, etc. As the light turned and we all crossed the street I looked back for one more glance and she called out, "Bye, Thank you!"

Saw Susan Sarandon @ Kennedy Airport, Jet Blue, Sunday afternoon, at the ticket counter with her two sons and another young man strangely dressed in a suit, acting like their valet. She looked good, sneakers, hair up, sunglasses on inside. Acted annoyed at the person behind the counter.

Whist shopping at the Barney's NY Summer Shoe Sale with my brother and his boyfriend on Friday, who do we see lounging on a couch but Katie Holmes chatting away on her cell phone. Strangely enough, Tommy boy's dearest was not interested in the slightest at looking at any of the pretty shoes the woman she was with was with was trying on. We're talking boxes and boxes and boxes of shoes. I thought "how sweet! Katie is taking her assistant shoe shopping." What a shock to find out it was not her assistant but her Scientologist baby-sitter; Jessica Rodriguez. No word on who paid the bill.

I spied Winona Ryder on 21st, right about where it becomes Gramercy Park North, on Monday. She looked semi-recognizable (I did a quintuple-take to make sure it was her) in a v-neck t-shirt dress, wearing several necklaces and carrying a can of soda. All of her outfit appeared to be paid for—that is, there were no visible tags—so that was good.

My boyfriend and I sat next to Claire Danes at the Cub Room on Saturday the 11th around 4:30 in the afternoon. She and a relative (sister, cousin?) were drinking wine, and Claire looked supremely uncomfortable while her companion prattled on without a breath for about 45 minutes—she kept touching her hair, fidgeting, and adjusting her dress. Or, she could have been uncomfortable because my boyfriend returned from the bathroom with his fly unzipped—guess we'll never know.

so on friday night, we were drinking overpriced alcohol on the roof at Soho House and the song "The Only Living Boy in New York" came on, and we were like, "ooh, it's the Garden State soundtrack, how last year!" And then we were talking about "Garden State" and how we liked Peter Sarsgaard in it, and then Peter Sarsgaard and Maggie Gyllenhall walked by on the way to the elevator. Which means that they were playing the Garden State soundtrack the whole time that Peter Sarsgaard was chilin' on the roof — coincidence or weirdly intentional?

Saw a militant-looking Dan Aykroyd marching down 86th street between 1st and 2nd aves 7:30-ish last night wearing aviators and a Rambo-esque bandana around his head. Either on some urban guerilla mission or in a rush to catch Puccini in the park.

then on sunday night, we saw Molly Shannon eating dinner at the sidewalk tables at the Half King — she was with some older people — parents? in-laws? — and we were mildly surprised that she chose to eat outside, despite the sweltering heat.

Rainy evening last week, departing a cab in front of the the Union Square theater on my way to see Episode 3. As I step out, my eyes meet Michael Imperioli's as he waits patiently for me to de-cab so he can get in. He was by himself. Much shorter (and older) than I expected, but he just does it for me on The Sopranos. He gruffed a "how's it goin" as I stared at him in awe, complete with cheesy grin.

Spotted Sam Rockwell in Hell's Kitchen on Friday looking crazier than Bob Crane.

Had a great "wow-celebrities-are-real-people-too" sighting this morning (6/15)...about 9:30 on the 2 train. Clark Street Station, who should get on but Paul Giamatti! Bespectacled, bearded and all. Nothing out of the ordinary, he was wearing a standard short sleeved, buttoned down shirt and jeans and stood in the doorway of the car. No one else seemed to notice, but I kept doing that "I'm smiling at you uncontrollably because I know who you are" thing every time I glanced in his direction. I did see him moving his lips from time to time, proving that he really does talk to himself (as he copped to on Letterman). Anyways, he got off at Chambers, and though I was tempted to follow him (just for research, I assure you), alas, my courage gave out and I just came to work....

was walking down lafayette between prince and spring around 7pm and look up and naomi watts is coming towards me and i look to her right and liev schreiber is there too. she is very fresh and beautiful in person and they were walking kinda far apart from each other and not talking- shes pretty average height too like 5 foot 3 which was surprising, liev seemed in his own world and she seemed spaced out- noone seemed to bother them or even notice them

Spotted "Sin City" star Clive Owen not once but twice Sunday afternoon. First walking down Hudson Street wearing what the Chico's catalog would call "tissue linen seperates"— i.e. white linen drawstring pants and a matching pullover. And then saw him later in the day on Bleecker Street having changed costume to white button-down and olive khakis. I know that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but a gorgeous as that mug of his is, he's got serious man-boobies, a paunch and a lot of junk in his trunk. My boyfriend didn't even believe that it was him!

saw K.D. Lang at the Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum in Long Island City, NY. She was with girfriend, both very nice and polite. She was wearing an oversized white button down shirt. Heavier than I thought but had beautiful blue eyes and was strangely attractive.

Was in Scoop on Third Ave. near 73rd St. today (6/13) and saw Juliette Lewis. She was with a blonde, orange-skinned friend and seemed pretty unassuming. Her clothes were quite casual and certainly didn't scream "look at me! I'm a star, dammit!". She might want to reconsider flaunting that back-tatoo, though.. ::shudder::

I was walking up Sullivan St, between Houston and Bleeker, and I didn't realize whose block I was on until up ahead of me I saw a skinny, impeccably dressed older woman getting out of a black car. She took her sunglasses off as she glanced towards me, and I realized it was the Ice Queen, Anna Wintour. She was wearing a sleeveless tan shirt, a pleated a-line floral skirt, and strappy sandals. I was a bit surprised that she was carrying a ratty cheap-looking tote. She did kind of scare me though.

last thursday morning i saw a weird looking sweaty reddish-blonde haired man with an ugly mustache jogging very slowly up thompson st. when he got closer i realized that it was entertainment reporter Pat O'Brien. ew. he stopped jogging briefly to look in the window of the men's store sean and then slowly went on his perverted, skeevy way.

Bar Pitti last night (6/14) Countless bottles of wine, extra large cup of Tasti-D, and Leelee Sobieski celebrating her 23rd birthday with a group of friends and hangers-on. At first, she waited outside with the rest of us, then was seated and played bongos on the table for some much needed attention. In a green and blue, vintage-inspired cocktail dress with velveteen red straps and huge, pinned corsage... looking more like a prom night reject than a birthday girl. Loudly holding the center of attention among her pals, taking frequent cigarette breaks and gossiping about Tom Cruise: I don t think he d even know who I am, she said at one point. (They had a scene together in Eyes Wide Shut) 3 of the 10 friends sang a lame Happy Birthday to her after lighting a sparkler. At one point she made out with girl to her right, kissing her then licking her cheek.

Saw Marky Mark Wahlberg in an elevator @ the Trump International. There was no funky bunch in sight, and he didn't show me his Calvins. He was, however, incredibly friendly and chatty and, shockingly, not a midget. What the hell? Anyway, he was wearing a baggy tshirt and jeans and looked like himself— handsome but not, you know, Hot!. His hair is longish, sort of floppy.

Strolling down Wall St. around 4pm today (Tuesday 6/14), and on the steps of Cipriani I see a somewhat odd-looking slim dude in a black suit with a gigantic frizz fro. Sure enough, it was Malcolm Gladwell sitting down to take a quick rest. I glanced a few times to verify that it was him, but said nothing. Of note, although the weather is 100 degrees of hot death out on the lower Manhattan streets today, it is not possible to explain his hair through any level of humidity.

Monday, June 13th, 'round 11 AM saw a harried, maybe even angry looking LARRY KING hustling across 61st Street towards Park Ave. Had some Madison Ave. boutique bag with him. This man needs a shoulder-ectomy in a bad way. "Hey, Larry!" said me. "(inaudible grunt)" said he. Where's Bob Costas to push Larry into a speeding oncoming town car when you need him?

I saw Star Jones and her "heterosexual" husband [Al Reynolds] got out of their chaufeured van (definitely not an SUV) and went into Carls Steaks on 3rd & 34th tonight around 8PM. I was right behind them and heard Star order extra mayo on her cheesesteak. So much for the stomach staples! Plus, Star needs to know that mayo has no place on a proper cheesesteak. I have to say Star is nowhere nearly as huge as she used to be though I still find her repulsive.

Last night (6/12) I spotted the ever so lovely Helena Christensen hanging out with the gays in the cabanas of the Maritime Hotel. She had a few Marys in tote and was very low key. She was shorter than I thought but her face was even more angelic in person than in pictures.