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Everyone this morning seems to love the proposed new Yankee Stadium. They think it's likely to really happen. And — because he's paying for it (well, its construction) himself — everyone seems to love George Steinbrenner, too. In the Times, Harvey Araton gives the Boss a wet sloppy one, but he also points out one detail that perked us up:

"It will still be Yankee Stadium, but there may be some affiliation rights," [Yankees president Randy Levine] said. "X Plaza at Yankee Stadium." Halliburton Field at Yankee Stadium. We get the picture.

We're hoping TV Land and the Facts of Life cast put together the winning bid, because we really want to go to a ballgame at Kim Field(s) at Yankee Stadium.

Got a better idea? Let us know:

A Gentler Boss Riding Into the Sunset [NYT]