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Today's Daily News takes an in-depth look at a certain breed of New Yorker, those ladies who spend more time at the gym than a lonely, sweaty man. They aren't just the stick-figure women you naturally hate; they're the ladies whose svelte arms have a frightening bit of Madonna-esque ripple to them. In short, they could kick your ass and they know it:

Sabrina Grande, 44, a photographer in NoLita, says she has been "obsessed" with working out her whole life, and it shows.
"Not because I want to show off, but because there's a certain amount of confidence," she says. "I'm very proud of my body at my age. Very proud."

In addition to being "very proud," we suspect that Sabrina is very aggressive, very hirsute, and very afflicted with bacne.

Drop and Give Me 20,000! [NYDN]