Us Weekly announces it won't use any photos "obtained through reckless means." Uberpublicist Ken Sunshine is skeptical: "Now let's see if they follow through." Strangely, we find ourselves siding with the flack. What an odd feeling. [NYP]
• Supreme Court lets stand FCC rules that prevent one company from owning absolutely everything we see and hear. Time Warner, Viacom, et al. will have to content themselves with only owning nearly everything — at least until Bush gets to appoint some new justices. [NYT]
• Like Simon agreeing to tour with Garfunkel a few summers ago, Woodward lets Bernstein attach himself to forthcoming Deep Throat book. [E&P]
• Don't get to hear enough from grumpy old former journalists? Thank God for the Internet. [From Hot Type to Blog via Romenesko]