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You know how it is: It hits 3:30 or 4, and suddenly you can't quite keep your eyes open. As we were in the other room making iced coffee, which seemed the obvious thing to do in that situation, an email came in about the top ten ways to stay awake at work, as determined by a poll of nearly 5,500 respondents. Some we do we regularly, some we've done occasionally, and some we're pretty sure it'd be frowned upon to do in our office.

1. Adderall
2. Coffee/Tea
3. Flirting with/ogling hot coworkers
4. Masturbation
5. Cocaine
6. Take a nap
7. Downloading music/movies
8. Drink Red Bull
9. Take a walk outside
10. Self-injury (i.e. giving oneself paper cuts)

We usually jump right from coffee to taking a walk. Clearly we work in the wrong place.

BoomyPoll [BoomSalon]