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Just because he got completely slapped down by Shelly Silver and Joe Bruno last week, you thought Bloomberg would have to give up on his Olympic dreams? Ha. Like so many of us, once the mayor realized he couldn't afford the Manhattan real estate he coveted, he reluctantly shifted his sights to the outer boroughs.

"This was not our first choice," Mr. Bloomberg said last night at a news conference at City Hall [announcing a new Shea Stadium as the Olympics centerpiece]. "But when you don't get your first choice, you find what you do have and fight harder to win with that one."

Really, Mike, our broker tells it's great in Flushing. You get so much more space for the money out there — and only 40 minutes on the 7 to midtown!

2012 Olympic Bid Survives as Mets Commit to Stadium Deal [NYT]
City's Olympic Plan B Bared [NYP]
Oly Cow! Plan B [NYDN]